I'm sat in cafe not far from my house (due to lack of internet at the homestead, thanks for that BT), preparing the content for this week's forthcoming Highbrow: the Battle of Good and Evil.
For those of you who've got no idea what I'm on about, for the last few months I've been organising what could be called a gentleman's discussion group (not limited to gentlemen, though, of course) in a pub not far from my work. So far, the events have consisted of several interested participants meeting up, having a few drinks and taking part in or discussing whatever I've organised, with subjects to date including the concepts of freedom and democracy and an End of the World free for all.
We've also had an excursion to the fantastic DIRT exhibition at the Wellcome Collection, where we were lucky enough to get a free guided tour from the curator, Kate Forde - if you haven't been, I can't recommend it highly enough! Big thanks to David Sorg for organising, it was brilliant and hugely appreciated by all.
This week's Highbrow (excuse the name, by the way, it's not to be taken too seriously) is about the concepts of Good and Evil, so hopefully we'll be manhandling questions like "are good and evil empirical things?", "who’s doing the “right” thing?" and "how does this work in the real world and where do we fit in?". I'm about halfway through putting together the activities I've got planned for the night but, not to spoil the suprise, you'll have to come along if you want to find out what that involves!
Anyone who fancies coming along is more than welcome, we're a pretty rough and ready mix and there's absolutely no pre-requisites on actually having to know anything about any specific subjects. The main point of Highbrow is to:
a) have a good time
b) have a few beers
c) maybe learn something
If that sounds like something you'd be up for, then we'd love you to come and join in.
I'll probably post an update on the Battle of Good and Evil at some point after Wednesday (but probably not Thursday, depending on how much liquid intelligence is consumed), so eyes peeled for that...
Highbrow is this Wednesday (18th May) at the Old Coffee House, Soho and the Facebook event is here for those of you who are that way inclined.
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